Tag Archives: economy

Reversing America’s Decline

Without doubt, America is in decline in all four of her classic instruments of national power – Diplomacy, Information/Intelligence, Military, and Economy.   I suggest this is a direct consequence of an extended period in which our leaders not only have failed to follow the principles of Virtue-Based Leadership, but have been openly hostile to them.

Yet we are also in a key election year when we have exceptional opportunities to influence, shape, and select our leaders, and to demand virtuous leadership from them. We are also on the crux of a revival in our families, communities, and nation which I pray will lead to action not only this year, but in building and preparing virtuous leaders for the future.

I am excited to see a return to such leadership in this country today, and to the development of virtuous leaders for tomorrow, and am actively seeking opportunities to champion this vision.

If this message resonates with you, or you are interested in learning more, I invite you to attend my presentation at the ICON lecture series in March, 2016 (http://www.iconlectureseries.com/), or at other events to be announced soon.

About the author.